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Chen Jun: Mobilize Strengths throughout HNJU to Boost Undergraduate Education

Source: Date:2019-02-26Author: ClickTimes:

“We should do our best to boost undergraduate education and build characteristic disciplines and brand majors,”  Chen Jun,  vice president of HJNU, spoke at the new-semester teaching conference on the afternoon of Sept. 21st.



Mr.Chen summed the work of the first-year undergraduate education. He said, considerable achievements have been made through efforts from all forces. While, more attention and endeavor should be given in the new semester. Outstanding scholars and teachers and strong support should be engaged in reinforcing educaitonal structure and inner core to maintain HJNU teaching features and advantages. Solid plans and preparations are essential in academic and teaching assessments. Before applying for a new undergraduate program, we should conduct widespread surveys and inquiries, identify talents demand and fully utilize school resources. Besides, in teacher team construction, the aspect of morality also must be highly valued. In the end, Mr.Chen called on each functional department thinking as one and doing as one, leading HJNU’s undergraduate education to a higher level.

Chen Aimei, vice-director of dean's office, briefly reported recent overall teaching work. Deans of colleges shared about their teaching arrangements and problems in the new semester as well.

It’ s said that the collection of undergraduate education data in 2017 will begin rightly and ought to be finished before November 15th , to implement the instruction of assessing undergraduate education among institutions of higher educaiton from the Ministry of Education.