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Good news! The results of our college students' innovation training project were selected for the 16th National College Students' Innovation Annual Conference

Source: Date:2023-11-06Author: ClickTimes:

Recently, the organizing committee of the 16th National College Student Innovation Annual Meeting issued the "Notice of the Selected Projects and Achievement Exhibition of the 16th National College Student Innovation Annual Meeting", under the guidance of Dr. Yang Yun and Professor Sun Yong from the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of our University. The academic paper published by Xiang Quannian, a 2020 undergraduate student of Applied chemistry, was approved by the Ministry of Education and was selected as the academic paper of the 16th National College Student Innovation Annual Meeting (referred to as "National Innovation Annual Meeting"), the first time that the project was selected by our school.

In order to do a good job in the recommendation of this annual meeting, the school of Innovation and Entrepreneurship actively organized the secondary colleges to declare, and the two results recommended by the expert review and selection of the school were all reviewed by the provincial education Department, and finally the academic paper of the full reading team was successfully selected for the "National Innovation Annual Meeting". The relevant responsible teacher of the College of Innovation and Entrepreneurship said that it will continue to implement the fundamental task of establishing virtues and cultivating people, further promote the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education and teaching, constantly optimize the innovation and entrepreneurship training system, further strengthen the implementation and result conversion of college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training programs, improve students' innovative spirit, entrepreneurial awareness and innovative and entrepreneurial ability, and promote the continuous improvement of talent training quality.

It is reported that this "National Innovation Annual Meeting" received a total of 833 projects recommended by affiliated universities and local education authorities, including 347 academic papers, 374 reform results, and 112 entrepreneurship promotion projects. After the preliminary evaluation of experts in relevant disciplines and the check of the "National Innovation Plan" expert group, 200 academic papers (101 in local colleges and universities), 250 reform achievements display projects (114 in local colleges and universities), and 60 entrepreneurship promotion projects (39 in local colleges and universities) were selected to participate in the 16th National College Students Innovation Annual Meeting, totaling 510 items.