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Guidelines of HJNU

Source: Date:2019-02-26Author: ClickTimes:


Hanjiang Normal  University values the morality education as the fundamental mission and has establish the development strategy of "administering the university by law, on uniqueness, with quailty and upon talents" , following the instructions of "optimizing the structure, strengthening the connotation, integrating educaiton with production, innovating with diversity."

Rooted in Shiyan, HJNU brodens its horizon to the whole province, serving the core resource of South-to-North Water Diversion, as well as Qinling Mountains areas. With the main feature of teacher education, HJNU strives to a multidisciplinary educaiton, aiming at cultivating talents with sound knowledge, good moral behaviors, outstanding abilities and creativeness, who will be contributive to the regional economy and social development.